Royal Case of Clarets to Celebrate the Birth of Prince George of Cambridge

In celebration of the birth of our future King, Prince George of Cambridge, we have put together a Royal Case of Clarets to help you raise a glass to his arrival.We offer this case at a magnificent 20% discount off our normal prices at £95.62 which is a mere £7.97 a bottle!

Each case will contain 3 bottles of Vrai Caullou Bordeaux Superieur 2010, Chevalier d’Albran 2009, Grand Rousseau 2010 and Roc de Levraut Bordeaux Superieur 2010.
So why not treat yourself to this truly value for money case of claret today and celebrate in style!

Prince George of Cambridge is third in line to the throne following his grandfather and father and is destined to be King George VII. Down the ages his forebears bearing the name George have all enjoyed Claret and we hope our new Prince will too:

King George I (1714 – 1727) enjoyed Port, Rhenish wines (Rhine valley) and Claret

King George II (1727 – 1760) drank Claret and his royal cellars also contained a wide selection of Burgundies, Port, Rhone and Moselle wines as well as Champagne

King George III (1760 to 1820) had a liking for German Hock (the British name for dry white wines from the Rhine river valley) and Claret – and his Court had a preference for Port.

King George IV (1820 – 1830) preferred Sherry and his cellars held 1213 bottles of Sherry, 805 of Madeira, 510 of Marsala and 335 of Port. A certain General Palmer was one of his friends and ‘Palmer’s Claret’ (Chateau Palmer) graced the Kings table.

King George V (1910 – 1936) ‘drank Champagne and Claret but his favourite drinks were reputed to be Cognac and Whiskey.

King George VI (1936 – 1952) was served a 1929 Chateau Latour Martillac at his coronation feast in 1937.


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