Wine Comparison

Pinot Grigio vs Pinot Noir

Pinot is a grape that never seems to stop reinventing itself. Pinots have been popular for centuries, and Pinot Noir seems to always be making the top 10 list of most popular wines in the world, besides the fac that the Pinot grapes are notoriously difficult to grow. But what about it’s cousin, Pinot Grigio? … Read more

Malbec vs Merlot: Which Will You Love Best?

Malbec and Merlot are both red wines and they are considered amongst the most popular wines around the world today. Pinot Noir and Cabernet Sauvignon follow closely on their heels.  In this article, we are going to look closely at both Malbec and Merlot. We will consider their similarities and their differences and hopefully will … Read more