Check Out Our New Facebook Shop

For those Facebook fans amongst you we have recently added an Online Shop to our Bordeaux-Undiscovered Facebook Page. We think it is a great idea and it’s really easy to use!

Simply go to our Facebook Page at

and click on the Shopping Basket named ‘Online Shop’.

Our new Facebook Online Shop has all our wines and champagnes listed plus special offers and best sellers. If you click on ‘Buy’ you are taken directly to our product page on our secure site so that you can go through to our ‘Check Out’. What’s more you can also ‘Like’ and ‘Share’ all our wines which makes it easy to spread the word about your favourites!

We will be adding new Competitions, exclusive Offers and Prize Draws for Facebook fans in the next few weeks. We also have some super deals lined up for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the London 2012 Olympics so don’t forget to ‘Like’ us on Facebook and keep an eye out for them!

We’d also love to hear from you so if you have any questions for Nick on wine or food and wine pairing or would like to pop by and say ‘hello’ please get in touch on our Facebook Page! You’ll find lots of wine news, tasting notes, chateaux profiles, wine suggestions and recipes there so don’t be shy.

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